Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Drafting a Vision Statement

Currently I'm struggling with creating a vision/mission statement for a school that I would like my children/grandchildren to attend. I understand the various elements I would like the school to achieve, but I'm struggling to articulate the how I'm going to achieve them. I've created a draft vision statement, as well as a mind map ( Vision Artifact The Innovative and Empowered Global Learner.pdf ) of a school vision and the various elements of it. The (very) draft vision statement is:

"Our school is a place where, through a differentiated curriculum and learning environment, students become innovative and empowered leaders, capable of acknowledging and improving upon their strengths, guiding their own learning, and able to collaborate and engage with others at the local, global, and digital level, in a multicultural world."
Again, what I feel I have here is essentially a string of key-words that have been finessed into a sentence. I'm missing the how, and I feel my "why" is implied, not deliberately stated.

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