Friday, March 2, 2018

#IMMOOC4 Season Four Innovator Mindset

EDCI 325: Innovators Mindset and IMMOOC4
Brittany Stevens

Prompt: What do you see as the purpose of education? Why might innovation be crucial in education?

I think that ultimately the purpose of education should be to empower people think critically about the world around them, and in turn empower them to take action on their thoughts and ideas when necessary. I think the purpose of education should be to ignite within people a spark of curiosity, and provide some basic skills and forays into collaboration for people to be able to act on or leverage that curiosity. A meaningful education should be actionable and experiential, and whenever possible, guided by the interests of students with purposeful facilitation by an instructor.  I think innovation is crucial in education because of the changing Geo-political, social and economic landscape of our increasingly globalized world. As we continue further into the digital/information age, schooling will need to keep pace with the change and innovation taking place outside it's walls. Innovation is crucial in education because without it, we are leaving our kids in the past.


  1. Agreed, Brittany. In a conference I went to by Learning and the Brain "Innovation and Creativity in Education", there were a number of presenters that talked about us living in a VUCA world. This stands for VOLATILE, UNCERTAIN, COMPLEX, and AMBIGUOUS. In this ever changing world, we must change the way we educate our students, so that they can be prepared for anything. If we expect them to be our next leaders. thinkers, and change-makers, we have to develop the 21st Century skills that will allow them to be successful.

  2. Actionable, experiential, guided by the interests of students – yes! I appreciate the theme of action throughout this post. Why do we make students wait to act until they leave our classrooms? How do we make our schools and our classrooms alive with action? Learn is a boring verb. Act, create, make, design, invent, imagine, solve, empathize, synthesize... we need more verbs!
